Supporting omoro district health department with Vitamins ,A, Albendazol and multiple micronutrients supplement for pregnant mothers
We are a Non-profit charity Organization raising Godly foundations among communities through our spheres of influence which include:
1. Educational support (school fees, scholastic materials, and uniforms) to disadvantaged children and students of all age groups;
2. Economic strengthening through support for income generating activities;
3. Provision of food and nutrition education and supplements;
4. Support to the sick, disabled and diseased as well as capacity building and highlight of issues related to the well-being of children and women. Read more …
Thank you for taking your time to find out how SEVAC is changing livelihoods in Uganda. Help us to unlock the future of ambitious yet disadvantaged children and families.
You can support our course through donating, partnering and volunteering with us. Whichever way you choose possible to support our work; we will forever be appreciative.
SEVAC Foundation Activities
SEVAC foundation Uganda supporting, CBO in Apac district
SEVAC foundation Uganda supporting, CBO in Apac district
Community outreach in Amolatar district
Meeting with Amolatar district health department, all in charges in the health planning meeting a head of April child day plus