Our Projects

Home / Our Projects
Existing Projects/ProgramsProject/ProgramDonorObjectives and Key activities
01Child Sponsorship (Education)Friends for children NetherlandsObjective 1: Educational Support to absolutely poor intelligent and brilliant pupils and students from Lango sub-region.


Activities 1: Sponsorship of absolutely poor pupils and students for primary and secondary education in Northern, Central and Eastern schools;

Activities 2: Provision of scholastic materials and uniforms to absolutely poor pupils and students from Lango sub-region.

02Economic Strengthening Project in Lira District, Northern UgandaNETHERLAND /SFUObjective 1: To facilitate poverty eradication through promoting and establishing income generating activities for disadvantaged youth.


Activity 1: Support for vocational skills /apprenticeship to disadvantaged youth in Lira District.

Activity 2: Support for income generating activities to youth groups in Lira District. 130 children supported for Vocational or apprenticeship skills; 5 youth groups supported for piggery project.

03Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) projectPendingObjective: Improved livelihoods and increased economic growth of resource poor farmers in Eastern and Central Africa (ECA).


Activities: Training farmers on improved production technologies of OFSP (seed and root production) and Value addition, distribution of pure/Clean seed vines to farmer groups and individual farmers.

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